
How Do I Make More Money And Have More Time To Spend It

In that location'southward non a single person on the planet who wouldn't similar to work less and make more money at the same time.

But the very idea of making more while working less is totally absurd to some people.

In a world where and then many of us merchandise our time for money (clock in, clock out), it might be hard to see just how easy it is to work less and make more money for yourself but we're here to tell you:It'southward not as hard as yous think.

You don't take to spend the residue of your life feeling exhausted from your work, waiting for the weekend, and barely making fiscal ends meet every month.

Instead, there are some smart choices yous can make now to set up yourself upwardly to work fewer hours each week and make more money at the same time.  Whether you lot're a full-fourth dimension employee, a side-hustler, or building your ain concern, these principles tin can make a major impact on your fourth dimension, happiness, and income.

If having more coin AND having more free time are office of your vision for a Rich Life, and so read on because we're going to show you 7 great ways to work less and brand more than coin starting today:

Free mini course: Take control of your success with our new How to Design Your Rich Life mini-grade. It's a fast, fun, and free introduction to our Rich Life arroyo.

one. Forepart-load your efforts

Here at IWT, we talk a lot about investing. Smart investors know they're doing themselves a massive favor by investing equally much as possible every bit early as possible.

The same goes for your work.

Most people have a lot more ambition, bulldoze, passion, and energy in their twenties and thirties than later in life. Plan for that nearly inevitable scenario by front end-loading your piece of work.

By working weekends, long nights, and actress hours before in your life, yous'll set up yourself up nicely to work less and make more money later in life.

The efforts you make in a career or your own business organisation today become amplified and compounded as the years continue.

As a wise person once said:the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second all-time time is today. If you're still feeling the energy and drive to brand something happen for yourself, give it all you've got while you still can and you'll reap the rewards later in life.

You may not work less and brand more money immediately, only over time, you'll begin to come across a powerful shift.

2. Develop multiple income streams

If you lot're serious nearly working less and making more money, then you've got to focus on developing multiple income streams.

"Wait a second," yous might be thinking, "does multiple income streams hateful More than piece of work, non LESS?"

It can. Particularly in the beginning (encounter point #one). But the thought behind multiple income streams is to reduce your dependency on just one.

Pic this scenario:

Your boss calls y'all into her function to give y'all the news that y'all'll be expected to work more than hours on a tough project next quarter. Naturally, you lot assume you'll be given a raise or a promotion with all this added work. You lot assume wrong. Non only will y'all work more hours, just you'll likewise get paid the same salary as always (which is too depression anyway).

Without multiple income streams, you lot're pretty much stuck.

Y'all accept rent or a mortgage to pay, maybe mouths to feed, and a car payment. You've got pupil loans and credit card debt (fifty-fifty though you shouldn't) and there'due south no way out but to stay at your job.

At present, motion picture this instead:

Your boss knows y'all've been working on a side-hustle for the final few years and it's been going really well. You're making almost as much on the side as you do at your mean solar day task. She calls you into her office to dump that actress piece of work on you lot. You immediately inquire for a raise to go on with the extra work because you can't lose.

If she says "no," yous tin can quit. You're making enough on the side to support you until you observe a new job (or accept the side-hustle full-time).

If she says "yes," score. Yous merely got a heighten and will at present make more money to compensate for your actress hours. When the project is over, you lot'll beginning to work less and make more than coin.

Yous tin can't go wrong.

Add to side-hustles other income streams like passive income, residual income, or involvement on investments and suddenly yous're in charge—not someone else.

Click here to learn more about starting your own business concern (even if y'all don't have any money correct now).

iii. Automate your finances

One of the best ways to work less and make more money is to let your money practice the work for you lot.

Automating your finances is ane of the all-time fourth dimension and endeavor investments you lot can make as you strive to work less and brand more than. That's because, the more automated your money is, the more than information technology can work for you lot.

As Ramit suggests in his book, set upwardly automation to withdraw money from your paycheck directly into a Roth IRA or stock investments. Ascertain a fix corporeality monthly and have your banking company or an app do information technology on autopilot so you don't even have to think about information technology.

The iii steps Ramit outlines to automate your money are simple:

  1. Log into all of your accounts
  2. Gear up automatic transfers
  3. Get all of your bills on the same schedule

You tin can learn more about these 3 steps in detail hither.

As your investments grow and compound on each other, you'll literally be making money with zero work—helping yous slowly work less and make more coin at the aforementioned time.

Here's a practical example of what it might look similar to automate your own personal or business cash menses:

By automating your finances, you also avert unnecessary fees and debt. How many times have you lot paid a late fee, an overdraft fee, or another penalty because you simply forgot?

Answer: too many times. With the engineering available today, there'due south no reason y'all tin't ever pay your bills on fourth dimension as long as y'all have funds in the depository financial institution.

Equally yous make timely payments and reduce debt, you lot'll also meet a rise in your credit score which can allow you to make investment purchases such as buying a abode or starting a business—both of which can help you work less and make more than coin.

4. Stop doing 80% of the stuff you do

If you want to work less and make more money, you've got to leverage the power of the 80/20 dominion. Pareto's Principle demonstrates that in most things yous practice, lxxx% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.

Information technology tin can be pretty powerful. But it also means that just 20% of your results come from 80% of your efforts. Ouch.

Success with the Pareto Principle comes in two simple steps:

Offset, eliminate lxxx% of all your difficult work.Cut out unnecessary meetings. Filter out unwanted email. Outsource or delegate unimportant tasks.

Then, scale upwardly the remaining 20%.Identify what's really driving results in your life, chore, or business and practise More than of that with the fourth dimension you've just unlocked.

What does this look similar in principle? Let's say yous've just started freelancing as a dog walker and you lot charge your 10 clients $20 per domestic dog.

Pretty soon you realize that 8 of your clients have merely 1 dog and are paying you $xx/walk while the others each own a dog shelter with 10 dogs each. They're each paying $200/walk.

Twenty minutes is twenty minutes whether you lot've got 1 dog on a leash or ten. Yous piece of work less and make more money with the 20% of clients with x dogs.

So what'due south the smart thing to practise?

Y'all drop all 8 of those single canis familiaris owners, quit taking new clients with simply 1 dog, and start looking for just 1 more customer that has at to the lowest degree 8. She's harder to find, but y'all've got plenty of fourth dimension at present because you just dropped 80% of your commitments and didn't lose much, relatively.

Whether you have a full-time job, a side-hustle, or your own business, chances are 80% of your results currently come from stuff you lot spend 20% of your fourth dimension on. One of the quickest ways to work less and make more money is to cut out the 80% of tasks you merely don't become your best results from.

v. Move somewhere that'due south cheaper to live & work

Well-nigh people who experience stuck in their task feel stuck because of bills. Rent, mortgage, car payment, debt repayment, utilities, internet, phone bills, and the listing goes on.

Imagine for a moment that you're living in New York City or San Francisco (2 of the most expensive cities to live in at the time of writing).

At present, imagine you can convince your dominate to permit you work from anywhere you want as long every bit yous go your piece of work done. If yous're non sure how to practise this, read Tim Ferris' landmark book,The Four Hour Workweek.

Why non pick upwardly your laptop, move out of that tiny NYC flat, and move to somewhere infinitely more beautiful and much cheaper? In that location are dozens of groovy options with industrialized, modern cities at a fraction of the price.

Places like Kingdom of cambodia, Thailand, Mexico, Argentina, or Republic of peru offer beautiful scenery, kind people, and a MUCH lower cost of living.

With all the money you save, you lot could invest more, piece of work fewer hours, or start your own concern.

Yes, it's hard to move abroad from what you know—and possibly people yous care about. This tip definitely isn't for anybody, especially if you LOVE living in the large urban center with your friends and family.

But if y'all desire to work less and make more coin, you lot have to consider but how much of your difficult-earned cash is getting eaten upwardly by everyday expenses.

Self-made entrepreneur Sean Ogle got fed upwards with his corporate chore in finance and wanted to do some traveling. When his boss turned down his proposal to work remotely, he just up and quit.

He had some savings, but not enough to brand it for long with a habitation base in Portland, so he bought a i-way ticket to Bangkok and prepare upwardly shop over there where it's far cheaper to alive—geo-arbitrage.

Sean found a office-time gig when he got over there, and later on 6 months of hanging out in Thailand and visiting the residue of Southeastern Asia, he came home with the aforementioned amount of coin that he left with.

Free 6-month vacation. Dainty.

No matter how you expect at it, there are ways effectually paying your bills and being stuck in your same clock-in, clock-out routine every day.

Free mini grade: Take control of your success with our new How to Design Your Rich Life mini-course. It'due south a fast, fun, and free introduction to our Rich Life approach.

half-dozen. Sympathise and leverage the motivations of others

Let us innovate yous to a guy named Matt. Past age 25, Matt had worked his way into an executive finance position with UPS and at the age of 26, he said adieu to that chore in order to double his salary and motility to Europe and work at a tech company.

To reach such a salary so early in life, you might think Matt sleeps under his desk at night.

Non and so. He actually doesn't work that much harder than anyone else with a piffling ambition.

And so how did he work his style upwardly the ladder so fast? Here's exactly what Matt said nigh working less and making more than:

"I focus on figuring out how systems piece of work and where people's motivations are coming from. Understanding how and why something works the way it does is amazingly powerful.

"This is my key starting point for working smarter. Investing the fourth dimension to build relationships, dissect processes, and asking why builds a solid platform to base all other activities off of."

Here's a guy who makes well over $100,000 a year and the #ane thing he does to exist effective at his task is empathise others' motivations.

How much further could you get in your ain career or business concern if you spent less fourth dimension on menial tasks and more time understanding the motivations of your boss, coworkers, customers, or clients?

7. Get a more than flexible job so you can focus on high-impact piece of work

If you lot're in a job where your dominate expects y'all to be in a chair every minute of every day, you're simply never going to exist able to work less and make more than money.

If y'all have to clock in and clock out and perform menial tasks the entire time between, then it's time to switch to a more flexible job so you tin can focus on loftier-impact work.

People who work less and make more money are the people who identify the most important work (either what their boss cares most about or what drives the most acquirement for their own business organization) and put the bulk of their endeavor into it.

If the Covid pandemic has taught us anything nigh work, it'south that you don't have to be physically present at your task in lodge to be productive.

Study afterwards report shows employees who work from dwelling house are almost always more productive.

Why? Because when we're costless to choose our schedule and daily tasks, we prioritize the near important things, get them done, and and then motility on with life.

No more playing solitaire until 5pm just so your dominate can see yous in your seat. No more eating dejeuner at your desk in club to appear busy.

If your job isn't flexible enough to allow you lot the freedom to piece of work less and make more money past prioritizing the about of import tasks, and then you should seek out a new job. Nosotros recommend looking into jobs at ROWE companies (Results Only Work Environment).

At a ROWE company, no one cares how many hours y'all put in or when y'all put them in. They only care most results.

And when your dominate only cares about results, you lot've fabricated a expert footstep toward working less and making more than coin.

If you lot are your ain dominate, consider what work really has to be done past Yous and which tasks you can outsource or delegate. Focus on getting the most important piece of work done and your business will thrive.

Next steps to work less & make more coin

As y'all review this list of ways to brand more than coin while working less, some will stand out to you while others won't.

The key is taking action: Try 1 or 2 of the ideas in this article as quickly equally possible and see what kinds of results you become.

The sad truth is, 99% of people who read this will never change anything in order to work less and make more than coin. They'll just continue complaining most their dominate, whining most their long hours, and living paycheck to paycheck.

Merely non you. You're going to accept action. And within a few years, you'll be working less. You'll be making more money. And you'll be that much closer to your Rich Life.

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